Saturday, May 17, 2008

7 Hours

It is 6 a.m. on Saturday and I am thrilled to be awake. Are you thinking crazy, sleep-deprived mom? That is not the case, Thomas slept through the night. I am sure it was a fluke and he probably will not do it again tonight and I am fine with that. I can not remember the last time I slept for 7 hours straight!

I am eliminating milk from my diet for a few weeks to see it helps Thomas' tummy. I started yesterday, but I am surprised at how many things contain some sort a milk product in them. Last night I resisted chocolate mint cake and cookies at our Bible study and came home to have granola and vanilla rice milk for dessert. Hopefully, this along with the Zantac, and Gripe Water will help make Thomas a happier baby.

We are taking our first vacation with Thomas next weekend. We are driving to D.C. to see my friend. When I told Robert we were going on vacation, he assumed we were flying to NM. I totally let him down when I said we were not going to NM. He was disappointed when I told him we are not flying but quickly changed when I told him we were staying in a hotel. I love how he reminds me it is the little things in life that are exciting!


Anonymous said...

I remember the first time Ainsley slept through the night. Nicole and I both awakened refreshed -- and then looked at each other with a look of panic on our faces because we suddenly realized what happened and that must be wrong with the baby. Of course, everything was OK.

I hope you have many more restful nights in the very near future!


@Caraann76 said...

Wow....I am jeolous. Savannah has just now been sleeping six hours then I put her in our bed so I can sleep a couple more. As of a couple months ago she never slept more than 5 hours. She is now 20 months so I have learned to sleep just a couple of hours and wake up...I still do it. I don't think I will ever get out of the habit.