Thursday, May 28, 2009

The sea was angry that day my friends, like an old man trying to return soup at a deli

While we didn't hit a couple hundred Titleists into the sea the waves were pretty rough today due to some storms and bad weather. Big waves aside we ventured out on the beach in the morning and evening. The boys of course had a great time and Robert even helped some folks from St. Louis build a sand castle. Tomorrow we return to Indy and Robert is pretty sad about it, he has asked why we don't live down here as he loves playing in the sand. Please pray for safe travels as we'll be leaving in the afternoon, driving all night, and plan to be home late morning on Saturday.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Florida Day 3

Another great day.... we started off gathering shells on the beach then Robert and Luke hit the pool while Thomas took a nap. Afterward we had an amazing lunch at Parrot Key and discovered that Thomas likes coconut shrimp, who knew? Looks like sushi is next. Robert would not try anything new of course, but what is new. After lunch we visited the Imaginarium (inside and air conditioned) and then took naps. Yet more food and then we were back at the beach where Robert decided to get out in the water with Luke, he did a great job and walked out all the way to his waist and allowed Luke to carry him out even further. Thomas ate sand, we have pics to prove it (see above). Yet another wonderful day in south Florida, but, as days down here are, they are all wonderful.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Florida - Day 2

What a day..... we hit the beach after breakfast and had a blast. Robert does not care for the water at all but loves the sand, he loves throwing it and digging, and building sand castles. Thomas on the other hand loves eating it, so we need to keep a sharp eye on him. We hit the pool, napped, then drove down to Bonita Springs/Beach. This evening we ate dinner at Ft. Myers Beach Times Square and had then stopped at an ice cream place where Robert had Superman ice cream - it was a flavor made for him. The pool and beach were visited again this evening.... simply amazing.

BTW, that's Michelle and Thomas waaaaaaay out there

Monday, May 25, 2009

Just arrived in Florida

Long day of travel today, 12 hours from South Carolina to Ft Myers Beach, Robert could not wait to get to the beach and he had a great time throwing stuff in the water and walking in the sand. All I had was my cell phone camera w/ poor resolution.... but wanted to share these.... better pics are sure to come in the next few days

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Catch Up Time . . .

We have been REALLY lazy about updating pictures so here you go . . .

Robert was done taking pictures.

Robert and Mom

Singing with his mouth closed, "This Little Light of Mine"

Imitating his mom's first year of softball by chewing on his glove!

Thomas' first Indians game.

Just plain brotherly love!

Robert walking to receive his diploma.