Monday, February 25, 2008

Dentist Visit

Today Robert went to the dentist for his 6 month check up. Robert goes to a pediatric dentist on the west side of Indy, I highly recommend that everyone take their child to a pediatric dentist. Robert's dentist has a basketball court and a coloring corner to make the visit a lot more relaxing for the kids. It works, until it is time to see the hygienist! He was not interested in letting her brush his teeth but was much better for the dentist. He has no cavities and the dentist said his teeth look good, but we discussed his bite and "The Marshall Gap." The Marshall Gap is from my side of the family and is a large gap between the upper front teeth. It will require him to have a muscle clipped when he is 7 or 8. As far as his bite, his lower jaw is shifted to the left and will require a retainer. Who would have thought that at age 4, we would already be discussing retainers! Thank goodness for dental insurance!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Like Father, Like Son

Lucas is in Phoenix tonight working on trucks so Robert has decided to work on "trucks" in the living room. As I have said before, it doesn't take much to entertain our son. I believe that the vacuum attachment is being used as a jack!

(He did not want me to take this picture)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Just a Few Pictures

Robert has more love to give Mary than she probably wants!

Baking cookies and then decorating them with dad
after dinner on a cold night.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hottest Toy for 2008

Well we have found the hot toy for 2008, a cardboard box! (or two) Who needs those expensive educational toys when you can simply use that thing attached to shoulders to create your own fun! Robert has such a great imagination. We got these boxes yesterday and he is still entertained with them.

Baby update . . . I am 32 weeks and things are going well. My blood pressure is great but the doctor still wants to see me every week just in case. Earlier this week a
Fetal Fibronectin test was run to see if I was at risk for pre-term labor but that came back negative. Thank goodness. Maybe I will get brave enough to post a picture soon.