Thursday, May 28, 2009

The sea was angry that day my friends, like an old man trying to return soup at a deli

While we didn't hit a couple hundred Titleists into the sea the waves were pretty rough today due to some storms and bad weather. Big waves aside we ventured out on the beach in the morning and evening. The boys of course had a great time and Robert even helped some folks from St. Louis build a sand castle. Tomorrow we return to Indy and Robert is pretty sad about it, he has asked why we don't live down here as he loves playing in the sand. Please pray for safe travels as we'll be leaving in the afternoon, driving all night, and plan to be home late morning on Saturday.


Emily said...

No question who wrote this post! Hope you didn't have to scream "Serenity Now!" on the drive home.

Chris said...

Love the Seinfeld reference! Hope the vaca was good.