Tuesday, July 1, 2008

For Robert

Robert has been gone for 2 days but it feels like 2 weeks! I know he is enjoying himself but this year it is taking him a bit longer to adjust being without us. Sunday, he told my mom he was ready to come home. (That is the day arrived so this picture is for him) He is slowly warming up but it is hard to hear that your child is not having the time of his life. Today we went to the movies to see Wall-E. My mom said that he really like the movie and when I called she asked him he wanted to tell me about it and once again he said "NO." I am taking that as a good sign because last year he did not want to talk us either.

Thomas is now 3 months old and changing daily. I am amazed at all the new things he is doing. He has started to laugh out loud, but whenever I try to record him he stops. He is now wearing 3-6 month clothes. I have been reading books on making baby food for him instead of buying it. Maybe if I make food for him he will like more than 1 flavor of baby food. Robert loved sweet potatoes and that is all he ate, well fruit too, but no other veggies or mixed meals. Other than trying to broaden his palate it is more economical.

Today we went to visit a friend and had a great time. It is always nice to catch up. I have not been good about keeping in touch with people since Thomas was born but I hope to start being better.

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